Regular Meeting Information

The Board determines to hold regular meetings on the third Tuesday of March, June, and September at 6:30 p.m. at 4050 W. 118th Place, Westminster, Colorado, or by telephone, electronic, or other virtual means, or both.

Notices of board meetings are posted on the website and, when the website is unavailable, at the intersection of Perry Street and Bradburn Boulevard, Westminster, CO 80031.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

2024-09-17, Annual Meeting Agenda (PDF)

2024-09-17, Regular Meeting Agenda (PDF)

2024-06-18, Regular Meeting Agenda (PDF)

2024-03-25, Special Meeting Agenda (PDF)

2023-10-16, Annual Town Hall Meeting Agenda (PDF)

2023-10-16, Regular Meeting Agenda (PDF)